Cash Indices Liquidity
Trading Instruments
12 ms
Execution From
A firm liquidity pool within the Spot Energy market
Cash Indices Liquidity
Liquidity occurs when an asset has a high level of trading activity and ensures that market participants have the ability to buy and sell easily. In the case of energies, liquidity is an important concern for traders and investors as they tend to be more volatile than other asset classes. XP BEE offers deep depth of liquidity with superior execution while lowering the cost of your trading.

As the level of liquidity for commodities is significantly lower than other investments, commodities trading and the futures market are both heavily leveraged. XP BEE understands the unique characteristics of this asset class and with its solid know-how of the commodities markets, is able to offer the greatest depth of liquidity combined with the fastest speed in execution and the lowest trading costs.
Margin Requirements
Liquidity Venues
Spreads From
Trading Hours
Technical Support
Suite305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown
Company name:
Company Registration number:
XPbee Trading LLC
3145 LLC 2023