Spot Metals Liquidity
Trading Instruments
12 ms
Execution From
Reliable liquidity for the Spot Metals market
Technical Support
Spot Metals Liquidity
Spot metals have varying amounts of liquidity. Gold is the most liquid precious metal as it has the greatest degree of trading activity, trading both in the physical as well as OTC and futures markets. XP BEE aggregates liquidity from top Tier-1 liquidity providers to provide the deepest liquidity on gold and a variety of other spot metals at competitive prices. Tight spreads, long or short positions.

In today's increasingly competitive and volatile precious metals markets, we are pleased to offer our solid expertise, allowing us to provide the best liquidity solution in accordance with the specific needs of our diverse customer base. Our focus on outstanding customer service makes us one of the industry's most sought-after liquidity providers for precious metals.
Margin Requirements
Execution From
Spreads From
12 ms
Trading Hours
Company name:
XPbee Trading LLC
Company Registration number:
3145 LLC 2023
Suite305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown